So I thought I would share what Zach and I made for his classroom Valentines this year, last year we made build a bear felt bears with felt clothes to change and dress up the bear, I never did take a picture but I thought those were really fun! This year I made the valentines using my Love Bots kit and in each bag we put some homemade heart crayons and hershey nuggets with matching wrappers! Check it out! I think the kids will love getting these, oh and I was sure to put a note not to eat the crayons!
Homemade heart shaped crayons, I got silicone heart shaped molds from the $1 section at target and filled each opening with broken crayon pieces, put it in the over at 200 degrees until they melted smooth. Then took them out and let them cool completely and that's it! old crayons given new life!
Here are just 3 of the 6 designs of Love Bots nugget wrappers I made, I love how these turn out every time...such a quick and easy way to make nuggets even more fun!


Nola Nicole said:

sooo adorable! great job! :D

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