Josh's new room and tutorial!
Ok everyone! I know a lot of you have been waiting a long time for this! I am sorry it took me so long to get this written and up here for you. Truth is I didn't expect such a HUGE response when I first posted it. In a perfect world I would have had the tutorial written before I even posted, but alas I didn't know you would all love it so much! So a huge thank you for your patience, and without further ado here is how I did it! Oh and if you missed the awesome room that got everyone wanting to know how to do it just look HERE! And at the bottom you will see my younger son's room done with my monkey business kit! *This tutorial is for personal use only. Do not share or redistribute in any way, definately do not claim this as your own idea. If Martha Stewart contacts you to come on her show to show her audience how you made your amazing room, you be sure to let Martha know that you got the idea from me so I can go on her show!!* you get the idea everyone right??? I would really like to be the one to go on the Martha Stewart show to share MY idea :) Onto the tutorial!

~BridgetL~ said:
OMG that is just adorable. you did a wonderful job :)
Monkey Toes Too said:
That is fantastic. I'll have to try and remember to do this when we finally get around to doing our little monkey's room again.
happyscrapper said:
Thanks for the tutorial. Your little boys are very lucky to have a mom like you! Hope you get that Martha Stewart invite!
trisha said:
Amazing stuff, just the coolest and have to give it a try. The only contact paper here(new Zealand) is on a roll and for covering books. is that what you use or is there a different one i can look at getting from usa, and ideas on what and who to contact.
Again just in awe of you work, 2 spoilt little boys – trisha from NZ
CraftCrave said:
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [18 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
The Fincher Family said:
Nope the peekaboo monkey is my favorite!
4 My Babies Scraps said:
I thought they were hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil? I LOVE them!
Coley Ru said:
OMGosh Amanda! This is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
karen said:
Thanks so much for the tutorial! Just one quick question, hope you don't mind, when you print them, did you have them printed as photos? Because your pictures of the back of the prints don't look like they are printed on photo paper, but I didn't know you could print anything else at Sam's Club.
Amanda said:
Thanks everyone! I would love to see what you do if you try this! To answer questions…yep it's the contact paper that you cover books with, the roll is a little less than 30 inches wide. And yes they are printed as photos, the monkeys were 16 X 20's and some of the bigger outer space elements were 20 X 30, I filled in the extra space on my canvas with leaves and bananas for the monkeys and stars for the outer space. Then save it as a .jpeg and send it to be printed just like it would be if it was a photo…and it's ready to go! Please let me know if there are any more questions :)
mommyto2boys said:
That's awesome! You did an amazing job. I use contact paper a lot at work to make counter displays (photo department at Walgreens), and it's a pain to work with, but the results are worth it!! Love your monkey room and your outer space room.
Stacy K. Wolf said:
Oh, I was just thinking of this today and wondering when you were going to post!! I can't wait to try it on my little one's room over spring break!! Thank you so much for sharing!! I'll be sure to send you some pics!!
Marvelous Mommy said:
I absolutely love this idea! I'm going to try this in our nursery for baby #2!!
Should I use clear matte or clear gloss contact paper??
Amanda said:
I used the clear matte contact paper, you can't even see it once it's on :)