Another fun game we played was this clothespin game! Guests each got a pin clipped to a card that had the rules on it. Basically the rules are you wear your pin and you can't say the word "baby" If you hear someone say it, you get to take their pin, if you say it and get caught you have to give up your pin! So guests are swapping pins left and right playing this game that continues throughout the entire shower! Of course the guest with the most pins gets a prize! It's a fun game to play at a shower, we did something similar at my sister's wedding shower, where the no no word was "bride" the possibilities are endless!

We had them set out on the entry table for when guests came in, they could get started right away!

Come back tomorrow for the last game we played, definitely the most fun one!


Stacey said:

My family plays a similar game, except its not a word – it's if you catch someone crossing their legs or ankles you get to steal their pin and the one at the end of the party with the most clothespins wins! LOL

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